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Bliv klogere på anti-age
Bliv klogere på anti-age {{ article.published_at | date: "%d-%m-%Y" }} | Af Relevant I takt med at vi bliver ældre, sker der en naturlig aldring af huden, hvilket typisk resulterer...
Bliv klogere på anti-age
Bliv klogere på anti-age {{ article.published_at | date: "%d-%m-%Y" }} | Af Relevant I takt med at vi bliver ældre, sker der en naturlig aldring af huden, hvilket typisk resulterer...
Relevant Adventsskrab Hos Relevant er vi på en mission om at udvikle ansvarlig hudpleje, der er god for både kroppen og planeten. Hudpleje behøver ikke være kompliceret - det handler...
Relevant Adventsskrab Hos Relevant er vi på en mission om at udvikle ansvarlig hudpleje, der er god for både kroppen og planeten. Hudpleje behøver ikke være kompliceret - det handler...


Training session in Nørrebroparken
This morning Baller & Bagværk held a social training in Nørrebroparken. We were lucky to hand out goodiebags.
Training session in Nørrebroparken
This morning Baller & Bagværk held a social training in Nørrebroparken. We were lucky to hand out goodiebags.


Two Beauty Award Nominations
Two beauty award nominations Relevant has been nominated for Best Body Care Product and Green Choice.
Two Beauty Award Nominations
Two beauty award nominations Relevant has been nominated for Best Body Care Product and Green Choice.

Tips for switching to a natural deodorant
Tips for switching to a natural deodorant Are you a first timer? Make the switch easy and stinkless.
Tips for switching to a natural deodorant
Tips for switching to a natural deodorant Are you a first timer? Make the switch easy and stinkless.

Alt du skal vide om naturlige deodoranter - ELL...
Alt om naturlige deodoranter Vi tog en dybdegående snak med ELLE omkring naturlige deodoranter.
Alt du skal vide om naturlige deodoranter - ELL...
Alt om naturlige deodoranter Vi tog en dybdegående snak med ELLE omkring naturlige deodoranter.

Giving old fishing nets a new life
Giving old fishing nets a new life Watch our video to see how we developed the world's first ocean plastic deodorant from old fishing nets.
Giving old fishing nets a new life
Giving old fishing nets a new life Watch our video to see how we developed the world's first ocean plastic deodorant from old fishing nets.

Why we founded Relevant
Why we founded Relevant New, Danish brand to challenge everyday skincare products.
Why we founded Relevant
Why we founded Relevant New, Danish brand to challenge everyday skincare products.

What is a natural deodorant?
What is a natural deodorant? In 2 minutes you’ll understand why you should make the switch.
What is a natural deodorant?
What is a natural deodorant? In 2 minutes you’ll understand why you should make the switch.